Data / Machine Learning

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Algorithm for an ANPR

This project corresponds to my current work-study assignment. I can't go into detail about this project, as I'm bound by a confidentiality agreement. Nevertheless, to carry out this project on my own, I chose to use YOLOv4 to recognise an object in an image in order to determine the location of the number plate, then I used a layer of OpenCV to pre-process the image and then Tesseract OCR for character recognition.

Dental Age Prediction

During this project, which I did with a friend, we had to determine as accurately as possible the age of a person based on their teeth. Using different methods of cleaning, consolidation, determination of outliers, etc., we were able to achieve accuracy scores of more than 100 %. We were able to achieve accuracy scores of over 90%.

Extract from the article we produced following our work.
