Web Development


Improving territorial intelligence in the Landes region

This project was carried out as part of my Master 1. We were a team of 10 people. From November 2021 to June 2022, we worked on two very specific aspects: the web application aspect and the development of innovative functionality for the department, and the data intelligence aspect with a whole analysis and reporting section. As far as I'm concerned, I've been in charge of the front-end web development and the design of the application. The application isn't online yet, but when it is, I'll update this page.


During my studies I worked on two web development projects. My last placement was with Microdidac, an IT services company based in Toulouse that specialises in web development. I was able to carry out the following assignments:

- Development of landing pages

- Development of a web application based on an open source application

- Development of a web application using Django

- Deployment of sites and applications on a Nginx server.

K2 Project

My very first placement took place during my DUT in Computer Science, but before I talk about this placement, you should know that I should have done it in Canada at Mecanium Inc. My employer offered me two jobs. One in the development of Artificial Intelligence, and the other in the creation of a virtual reality space, developing in Python. Unfortunately, the COVID 19 pandemic had other plans... My placement was cancelled at the last minute. I had to redouble my efforts to find another... Then came an internship offer at K2 Project (in France) for the development of a web application. I applied straight away and was accepted after an interview with the director. We worked from home. All the meetings, questions, development etc. were done via Teams. So I'd never physically seen my colleagues. In spite of everything, I was able to apply my seriousness, rigour and motivation to carry out the various tasks I was given to the best of my ability. It wasn't until a week before the end of the placement (when the curfew was lifted) that the director organised a big meeting with the whole team (development, marketing, finance and management). It was very interesting to see how a 'real' meeting went.

At the end of the placement, I was congratulated by my tutor and the director for my seriousness and motivation. I won't show the rest as there are confidential parts. In particular, we developed with Vue.js, which is a JavaScript framework. Having never studied or seen this language before, I had to learn the basics in a very short time. We were also able to use WebPack (photo below).
